
Exploring Our Feelings (Story 1)

Eunoia Clinic First Tower - 2nd Floor, Al Athaiba., Muscat, Oman

Exploring Our Feelings (Stories Series) Through a series of different stories and activities, we aim to enable the children to: - Recognize the different feelings through storytelling. - How to deal with those feelings using narratives *The program includes feelings of anxiety, anger, empathy & sadness Ages (6-9 Years)   To register:

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Starving the Anger Gremlin (Session 1)

Eunoia Clinic First Tower - 2nd Floor, Al Athaiba., Muscat, Oman

An Anger Management Program for Children ! Starving the Anger Gremlin is a 4-Weeks program focusing on anger management for children using evidence based effective skills from the workbook “Starving the Anger Gremlin”. The program is based on the principles of cognitive behavioral approach and includes fun ways to help children regulate their Anger. Session […]

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أقدر أتأقلم (الجلسة 1)

Eunoia Clinic First Tower - 2nd Floor, Al Athaiba., Muscat, Oman

أقدر أتأقلم (برنامج تهيئة نفسية لطلبة الصف الثاني عشر) برنامج "أقدر أتأقلم" هو برنامج نفسي تأهيلي يهدف لتحضير الطلبة للسنة الأخيرة من دراستهم المدرسية ومدته 6 جلسات، وهو مصمم لتزويد طلاب الثانوية بالأدوات والمهارات التي ستساعدهم على إدارة قلقهم المصاحب لمرحلة الثانويةللتسجيل    

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I CAN COPE (Session 1)

Eunoia Clinic First Tower - 2nd Floor, Al Athaiba., Muscat, Oman

I CAN COPE (Psych-Prep Program - Adapted Version For High School Seniors) I Can Cope is a 6-sessions evidence based program, Designed to equip final year high school students with tools and skills to help them manage their Anxiety. The Strategies learnt will be based on the cognitive behavioral model which have been found effective […]

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